Working in the service of printing equipment we often have to answer customers’ question regarding unlocking of printers. This situation is quite normal and ordinary user doesn’t always understand why is it necessary to reflash the device, moreover if everything worked fine before without it. Many of them not believing that printer reflashing is a necessary procedure and not understanding that the cartridge can’t be refilled without unlocking see in this a hidden background and a desire of the companies to earn more money. Since the fact that more and more similar issues appear every day we diced to puzzle out this situation once and forever. Continue reading Briefly on the need to unlock or reflash printing devices
Category Archives: FAQ
Problems with refill and new cartridges for Xerox Phaser 6000, 6010 and WorkCentre 6015. How to find out the region number.
You refilled cartridges, replaced the chips and the device still doesn’t work? The article is about causes and possible solutions of the problem.
Devices for different regions are supplied to the market. Official supply – region 2. Illegel “gray” supply – regions 1 and 3. Therefore, if you have printer for 2 region and you bought cartridges for 3, they won’t be in operation and corresponding message will be displayed on the screen. The same situation is with cartridges refill. It’s imperative to set the chip with corresponding region ortherwise the printer won’t operate. Continue reading Problems with refill and new cartridges for Xerox Phaser 6000, 6010 and WorkCentre 6015. How to find out the region number.
Brother reset (drum counter reset)
The life of a Brother drum cartridge is limited, so at some point you will have to replace it. The device won’t forget to notify you about that «festal» occasion.
Often you replace the drum, throw away the package, but the device is still asking you to “replace the drum”. So what to do? The answer for that question hides in that box, where you would find the instruction on how to replace the drum and reset the drum counter. Never say die, the following information will help you with resetting the Brothers’ drum. Continue reading Brother reset (drum counter reset)
Reset of the “no toner” message in the devices Samsung SCX-4016, SCX-4116, SCX-4216, SCX-4321, SCX-4521
The cartridge is full, but on the indicator there’s the message “no toner”? What to do? How to be? In this small article we will tell you how to solve this problem.
In devices of these series reset of the message “no toner” is performed by installation of a new fuse in a special groove on a cartridge. The rating of a fuse has to be about 63 мА. At the time of installation of a cartridge with a new fuse, the device finds it, “burns through” and makes reset of the internal counter of pages. Everything is simple and banal. More complicated things begin further. To find a fuse of such rating in sale is quite difficult, and those that you can find not always correspond to rating. And it is the biggest problem. At installation of a fuse of bigger rating, the device can’t “burn through” a fuse and starts swearing on faulty “CRUM”.
Other situation. You have no fuse of such rating, but it’s necessary to print urgently. What you got to do? Continue reading Reset of the “no toner” message in the devices Samsung SCX-4016, SCX-4116, SCX-4216, SCX-4321, SCX-4521